Node-oculus is a simple node.js add-on that we are open-sourcing for interfacing with the Oculus Rift.
While there are a number of open source projects that deal with transmitting sensor data into environments such as a web browser, we didn’t find anything sufficiently bare-bones to use as a building block for future VR work.
For a user of node-oculus, we have exposed a tiny api. You can start reading sensor data in four lines of javascript.
For developers, a concise c++ class creates the necessary bindings between node and the Oculus SDK. This allows for easy extensibility by avoiding the “gas factory” problem associated with a deep class structure.
While this is a tiny module, we hope users will find this a useful tool in getting started with VR.
Code is on Github here:
Stay tuned: this is but our first foray into contributing code, research and 3D scan data to the broader VR community.